Flying Inflatable Boat
In co-operation with Polaris Motor srl of Gubbio (PG), Lomac Nautica offers an exceptional means of transport: the flying inflatable boat
. This is an ultralight composed of three sections: a inflatable boat (Open series model 350) a motor structure and a wing structure. Easy to assemble and dismantle (about 15 minutes), it is also easy to pilot. In fact only a few flying hours are needed to learn to pilot the FIB (Flying Inflatable Boat).
Weight base unit Kg 110
Weight inflatable boat 350 Kg 75
Weight wheels kit Kg 20
Wing surface Mq 22
Wingspan M 10.60
External dimensions inflatable boat 350 Cm 357x169
Motor Hp rotax 503x48
Motor Hp rotax 582x64
Load factors g +6/-3
Maximum weight pilot kg 180
Takeoff speed km/h 45/50
Stalling speed Km/h 43
Fuel range(normal tank) h 2
Takeoff space hydro version Mt 80
Takeoff space land version Mt 50
Standard and Optional
The FIB also has some standard and optional accessories to make navigation of this exceptional craft even simpler and safer.
Accelerator and rudder pedals for steering in water, double controls can also be fitted for schools.
A console with all the navigation instruments can also be mounted.
ID: 2813
Flying Inflatable Boat Dealers:
See Lomac Nautica SRL at